Isopropyl phthalate

Isopropyl phthalate structural formula

Isopropyl phthalate structural formula

Structural formula

Business number 068M
Molecular formula C14H18O4
Molecular weight 250.29


Diisopropyl phthalate,

Diisopropyl phthalate,

Diisopropyl phthalate

Numbering system

CAS number:605-45-8

MDL number:MFCD00053717

EINECS number:210-086-3

RTECS number:TI1350000

BRN number:1972723

PubChem number:24887528

Physical property data

Physical property data:
1. Density (g/mL ,25/4℃):1.063

2. Refractive index (nD20):1.490

3. Freeze Point ():>18

4. Boiling point (ºC): 302

Toxicological data

None yet

Ecological data

3. Ecological data:

1. Other harmful effects: This substance may be harmful to the environment and should be harmful to water bodies. Give special attention.

Molecular structure data

5. Molecular property data:

1, Molar refractive index:68.24

2, Moore Volume (m3/mol):231.9

3, Isotonic specific volume (90.2K ):570.8

4, Surface tension (dyne/ cm):36.6

5 Polarizability (10-24cm3): 27.05

Compute chemical data

1. Reference value for hydrophobic parameter calculation (XlogP): None

2. Number of hydrogen bond donors: 0

3. Number of hydrogen bond acceptors: 4

4. Number of rotatable chemical bonds: 6

5. Number of tautomers: none

6. Topological molecule polar surface area 52.6

7. Number of heavy atoms: 18

8. Surface charge: 0

9. Complexity: 266

10. Number of isotope atoms: 0

11. Determine the number of atomic stereocenters: 0

12. Uncertain Number of atomic stereocenters: 0

13. Determined number of stereocenters of chemical bonds: 0

14. Uncertain number of stereocenters of chemical bonds: 0

15 .Number of covalent bond units: 1

Properties and stability

Properties and stability:

No decomposition products may occur under normal temperatures and pressures.

Storage method

1, storage

Package is complete, pack with care; the warehouse is ventilated, away from open flames, high temperatures, and stored separately from oxidants.

Synthesis method

None yet


None yet

BDMAEE:Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether

CAS NO:3033-62-3

China supplier

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