Tegoamin BDE 100

Tegoamin BDE 100

The tertiary amine TEGOAMIN BDE 100 strongly accelerates both of the chemical reactions which are essential for the formation of polyurethane foams: the blowing reaction and the gelling reaction.

A selective comparison and a comparison with other amines show that the catalyzed activity especially of the blowing reaction between isocyanate and water is several times higher with TEGOAMIN BDE 100 than with other commonly available amines. This special combination of an extremely strong preference of the blowing reaction with a generally very high performance potential in cooperation with the tin catalyst which promotes the gelling reaction provides a very reliable control of the foaming process.

The rising speed can be varied in a wide range by changing the applied concentration of TEGOAMIN BDE 100 without impairing the open- celled structure of the foam.


Tegoamin BDE 100 MSDS



Tegoamin BDE

Tegoamin BDE

TEGOAMIN BDE is an amine catalyst with a high activity, which is preferably used for the production of flexible polyurethane foams. Exact dosing is facilitated by a 30 % content of dipropylene glycol in TEGOAMIN BDE.

Tegoamin BDE

Tegomin BDE MSDS


Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether Exporter

Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether Exporter

China Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether Exporter NEWTOPCHEM

America Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether Exporter HUNTSMAN

Germany Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether Exporter BASF

Japan Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether Exporter TOSOH

BDMAEE Exporter

BDMAEE Exporter


America BDMAEE Exporter HUNTSMAN

Germany BDMAEE Exporter BASF

Japan BDMAEE Exporter TOSOH

Niax Catalyst A-1

Niax Catalyst A-1

With its ability to facilitate chemical reactions on its own or as part of an amine catalyst system, Niax catalyst A-1 is a potent urethane foam amine catalytic agent. It contains 70% bis (2-dimethylaminoethyl) ether, one of the most active catalysts currently used in the industry. Promoting the basic chemical reactions between polyol and isocyanate and water and isocyanate with efficiency, Niax catalyst A-1 can improve the polyether foaming process of high-density unfilled foam, filled foam, high load-bearing flexible foam, low-density foam and high-resilience molded foam.

Compared to the next most active amine, a blend of triethylenediamine, Niax catalyst A-1 can enable a 10% higher specific rate constant in the chemical reaction between polyol and isocyanate. Even more impressive, Niax catalyst A-1 can enable a specific rate constant that is 50% greater than triethylenediamine in the chemical reaction between water and isocyanate.

The powerful effect Niax catalyst A-1 has on the reaction between water and isocyanate helps promote a controlled acceleration of the chemical reaction between polyol and isocyanate through small variations in the stannous octoate level – an important feature in the production of commercial open-celled, split-free, flexible urethane foam.

An important feature of Niax catalyst A-1 is the ability to adjust the levels used over a broad range to effectively control foam rise time – without sacrificing stannous octoate operating range.

Potential applications for Niax catalyst A-1 include:

high-density unfilled foam
filled foam
high-load-bearing flexible foam
low-density foam
high resilience molded foam

Niax Catalyst A-1

Niax Catalyst A-1 MSDS


BDMAEE:Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether

CAS NO:3033-62-3

China supplier

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