Dibutyltin oxide organic synthesis catalyst

Dibutyltin oxide (chemical formula: (C4H9)2SnO), commonly known as DBTO, is an important organotin compound in Plays the role of catalyst in organic synthesis. This compound has become an indispensable part of the fields of organic synthesis, polymer science, and materials science due to its unique catalytic activity and high efficiency in certain chemical reactions. The following is an in-depth look at dibutyltin oxide as a catalyst for organic synthesis.

Chemical structure and properties

Dibutyltin oxide is a white solid that is relatively stable at room temperature, but easily decomposes under heating conditions. It is soluble in many organic solvents, which makes it easy to operate and use in organic synthesis. Because it contains two butyl groups and a tin oxide center, DBTO can provide active tin atoms in the reaction, thereby promoting various organic chemical reactions.


The catalytic effect of dibutyltin oxide is mainly reflected in its activation of compounds containing oxygen and sulfur functional groups such as alcohols, phenols, and mercaptans. In organic synthesis, it is often used in the dehydration, esterification, etherification of alcohols, and the synthesis of halogenated hydrocarbons. Specifically, DBTO can promote the esterification reaction of alcohols and acids, accelerate the alkylation reaction of alcohols and halogenated hydrocarbons, and participate in certain addition and elimination reactions, such as Michael addition, Wittig reaction and Claisen rearrangement. wait.

Application examples

In the polyurethane industry, dibutyltin oxide is widely used as a catalyst, especially in the production process of polyurethane foam. It can effectively catalyze the reaction between isocyanate and polyol, accelerate the formation of polyurethane, while controlling the reaction rate to ensure foam uniformity and good physical properties.

DBTO also plays an important role in the synthesis of fine chemicals. For example, it can be used as a catalyst in the synthesis of fragrances, pharmaceutical intermediates, and pesticide active ingredients. By promoting specific chemical reactions, DBTO helps increase yields, reduce by-product formation, and reduce energy consumption and costs.

Safety and environmental considerations

Although dibutyltin oxide is widely used in industry, its potential impact on the environment and human health cannot be ignored. Organotin compounds may be toxic to aquatic life, and long-term exposure may have adverse effects on human health, including neurotoxicity. Therefore, strict safety operating procedures must be followed when using DBTO, appropriate personal protective measures must be taken, and its waste must be properly disposed of.


Dibutyltin oxide is a multifunctional organic synthesis catalyst. Its application in many fields highlights its role in the modern chemical industry. important position. From polymer science to fine chemical synthesis, DBTO promotes the efficient conduct of numerous chemical reactions with its unique catalytic activity. However, with the increasing awareness of sustainability and environmental protection, the development of alternative catalysts that are more environmentally friendly and friendly to human health has become one of the current research hotspots. Future research will focus on balancing the industrial practicality of dibutyltin oxide with its potential impact on the environment, with a view to achieving a greener and more sustainable chemical industry.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Application of DBTO in the preparation of pharmaceutical intermediates

Dibutyltin oxide (DBTO), as a catalyst in organic synthesis, plays a unique and important role in the preparation of pharmaceutical intermediates . Pharmaceutical intermediates are key components in the pharmaceutical process. They are usually necessary precursors in the synthesis path of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The use of DBTO can not only improve the synthesis efficiency of these intermediates, but also optimize reaction conditions and reduce the formation of by-products, thus overall improving the quality and production costs of pharmaceutical products. The following are several aspects of the application of DBTO in the preparation of pharmaceutical intermediates:

Conversion of alcohol derivatives

DBTO can promote the conversion of alcohol derivatives, such as esterification, etherification, dehydration and halogenation reactions. In medicinal chemistry, alcohol derivatives often need to be converted into other functional groups for further synthesis of complex molecular structures. For example, when synthesizing intermediates for certain antibiotics, antiviral drugs or anti-tumor drugs, DBTO can be used as an effective catalyst to help alcohols and carboxylic acids form ester bonds, or to promote the reaction of alcohols and halogenated hydrocarbons to form ethers or halogenated compounds. These are critical steps in the synthetic route.

ester exchange reaction

Transesterification reactions are very common in pharmaceutical synthesis, especially in the synthesis of ester drug intermediates that require changing the ester moiety. DBTO can effectively catalyze the transesterification reaction and achieve the preparation of the target intermediate by replacing the alkyl chain in the ester group. This type of reaction is very useful when synthesizing drugs with specific pharmacological properties, as different alkyl chains may significantly affect the solubility, stability, or bioavailability of the drug.

Condensation and cyclization reactions

DBTO also performs well in promoting condensation reactions and cyclization reactions. These reactions are critical for building complex molecular scaffolds, especially when it is necessary to form specific ring structures or connect multiple molecular fragments. For example, when synthesizing intermediates for certain steroid hormones or antibiotics, DBTO can promote the formation of carbon-carbon bonds, thereby achieving efficient molecular assembly.

Redox reaction

Although DBTO itself is not a typical oxidizing or reducing agent, it can participate in redox reactions in an indirect way, such as by catalyzing the activity of certain oxidizing or reducing agents, to affect the reaction process. In some cases, this may involve coordination of DBTO to metal ions in the reaction medium, thereby altering its catalytic activity.

Improve reaction selectivity

In complex multi-step synthesis, reaction selectivity is crucial because it is directly related to the purity and yield of the product. DBTO can improve the selectivity of target products and reduce unnecessary side reactions by precisely controlling reaction conditions, which is especially important for the preparation of highly pure pharmaceutical intermediates.

Safety and environmental considerations

Although DBTO has significant advantages in the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates, its use is also accompanied by safety and environmental issues. Organotin compounds may cause adverse effects on the environment and human health, so in industrial applications, safe operating procedures must be strictly followed, appropriate safety measures must be taken, and more environmentally friendly alternatives or catalyst recycling technologies must be explored to reduce their potential Negative impact.


The application of dibutyltin oxide in the preparation of pharmaceutical intermediates demonstrates its versatility and efficiency as a catalyst. Its catalytic role in various chemical reactions makes the pharmaceutical synthesis process more efficient and controllable, thereby promoting the development and production of new drugs. However, with the popularization of the concept of green chemistry, finding safer and more environmentally friendly catalysts and optimizing the use conditions of existing catalysts have become important directions for current and future research. Through continuous technological innovation and improvement, we can look forward to achieving a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production process while ensuring the quality of pharmaceutical products.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

DBTO as a blowing agent component of polyurethane foam

Dibutyltin oxide (DBTO), as an organotin catalyst, is widely used in the production process of polyurethane (Polyurethane, PU) foam . Due to its excellent properties, such as good thermal insulation, sound insulation, shock absorption and durability, polyurethane foam has been widely used in construction, furniture, automobiles, packaging, thermal insulation and other fields. DBTO plays a vital role in this process, not only accelerating the formation of polyurethane foam, but also affecting the microstructure and properties of the foam.

The formation principle of polyurethane foam

The formation of polyurethane foam is based on the chemical reaction of isocyanate and polyol. This reaction is called polyurethane reaction. Under the action of a catalyst, an addition reaction occurs between isocyanate and polyol to generate a urethane segment. Then in the presence of water, the isocyanate further reacts with water to generate carbon dioxide gas and urea segment (Urea). The generation of carbon dioxide gas is key to the foaming process, forming bubbles in the reaction mixture, causing the mixture to expand and form a porous structure known as polyurethane foam.

The mechanism of action of DBTO

DBTO mainly plays the role of a catalyst in the foaming process of polyurethane foam. It significantly accelerates the reaction rate between isocyanates and polyols and between isocyanates and water, thereby accelerating foam formation. Specifically, DBTO enables the reaction to proceed at a lower temperature by reducing the reaction activation energy, which is crucial for controlling the heat release during the foaming process and avoiding deformation or damage of the foam due to overheating.

In addition, DBTO can also adjust the foaming time and curing speed of the foam, which is very important for controlling the microstructure of the foam (such as pore size, pore distribution, etc.). The appropriate pore structure not only determines the mechanical strength and elasticity of the foam, but also directly affects its thermal conductivity and acoustic performance.

The effect of DBTO on foam properties

The addition amount and activity of DBTO directly affect the performance of polyurethane foam. An appropriate amount of DBTO can ensure that the foam foams evenly and forms a dense and uniform pore structure, thereby obtaining higher compressive strength, lower thermal conductivity and good resilience. However, excessive DBTO may cause the foam to solidify too quickly and the internal gas cannot fully escape, thereby forming a closed cell structure, which may reduce the breathability and sound-absorbing properties of the foam.

Environmental and health considerations

Although DBTO plays an indispensable role in the production of polyurethane foam, organotin compounds including DBTO pose potential risks to the environment and human health. Long-term exposure to organotin compounds can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even neurological damage. Therefore, the industry is actively looking for safer and more environmentally friendly catalyst alternatives to reduce environmental impact and protect worker health.


DBTO, as a key catalyst in the foaming process of polyurethane foam, plays a decisive role in promoting chemical reactions, controlling the foam formation process and optimizing foam performance. However, its potential environmental and health risks have also prompted the industry to continuously explore and develop new and safer catalyst systems in order to achieve more sustainable and environmentally friendly production practices while maintaining the excellent properties of polyurethane foam. As the concepts of green chemistry and sustainable development become increasingly popular, future polyurethane foam production will pay more attention to environmental protection and human health, pushing the entire industry to develop in a greener and safer direction.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

The role of di-n-butyltin oxide in pesticide preparations

Dibutyltin Oxide (DBTO) is an organic tin compound with the chemical formula (C4H9)2SnO. Although DBTO is primarily used in industry as a catalyst and stabilizer, particularly in the production of polyurethane foams, it is also found in some pesticide formulations as an active ingredient or auxiliary. However, due to their potential effects on the environment and health, the application of organotin compounds is strictly regulated, and their use has been restricted or banned in many countries and regions.

Application of DBTO in pesticide formulations

In the field of pesticides, DBTO and its derivatives have been used as insecticides, fungicides and algaecides. These compounds inhibit or kill a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and certain types of algae. The antibacterial properties of DBTO make it an active ingredient in some pesticide formulations, especially in the control of crop diseases.

For example, DBTO and other organotin compounds have been used to prevent algae growth on ship hulls and to control algal blooms in aquaculture. Additionally, they are used in horticulture and agriculture to prevent plant diseases caused by fungi, such as powdery mildew, rust, and black spot.

Mechanism of action of DBTO

Organotin compounds, including DBTO, often exert their antibacterial effects by interfering with the metabolic processes of microorganisms. They can combine with the thiol groups on the cell membrane of microorganisms, causing damage to the cell membrane, thereby triggering the leakage of intracellular substances and cell death. In addition, they can inhibit the enzyme system of microorganisms and prevent energy production and cell division, thus achieving a bactericidal effect.

Environmental and health considerations

However, organotin compounds, including DBTO, have received widespread attention for their potential negative effects on the environment and human health. Research shows that organotin compounds are highly toxic to aquatic ecosystems and can accumulate in organisms and pass along the food chain, posing a threat to biodiversity. In addition, long-term exposure to organotin compounds can cause damage to human health, including adverse effects on the nervous system, reproductive system, and immune system.

Regulation and substitution

In light of the above concerns, the international community has taken action to restrict or ban the use of organotin compounds in certain areas. The EU’s REACH regulations (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals Regulations) strictly restrict the use of DBTO and related organotin compounds, especially prohibiting their use in pesticides. Many other countries are following similar regulations and turning to safer, greener alternatives.


Although di-n-butyltin oxide (DBTO) has been used in pesticide formulations for its effective antibacterial properties, it has Due to potential environmental and health hazards, its use has been significantly restricted. As the global awareness of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection increases, the development of new, low-toxic, and efficient pesticide ingredients has become an industry trend. In the future, the development of pesticides will pay more attention to eco-friendliness and human safety, aiming to create an agricultural environment that not only ensures crop health but also maintains ecological balance. Against this background, the application of organotin compounds such as DBTO in pesticide formulations will gradually decrease, giving way to a new generation of pesticide technology that is more in line with modern environmental protection concepts.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Emerging uses of dibutyltin oxide in the semiconductor industry


Dibutyltin oxide (DBTO) is an organotin compound with the chemical formula (C4H9)2SnO. While its applications in polyurethane catalysts, pharmaceutical intermediate synthesis, and pesticide formulations are well known, in recent years, emerging uses for DBTO in the semiconductor industry have been unfolding, particularly in the areas of nanotechnology, optoelectronic materials, and advanced electronic devices.

Characteristics and needs of semiconductor materials
Semiconductor materials are the cornerstone of the modern electronics industry, and their performance directly affects the function and efficiency of electronic products. As microelectronics technology advances, the requirements for semiconductor materials continue to increase, such as higher carrier mobility, better thermal stability, smaller size, and more complex integration capabilities. These requirements have driven the exploration of new materials and technologies to meet the needs of next-generation electronic devices.

Applications of DBTO in semiconductor materials synthesis
1. Preparation of tin-based semiconductor nanomaterials
DBTO has been used to synthesise high-quality tin-based semiconductor nanomaterials such as SnO2 nanoparticles and nanowires due to its good thermal stability and potential as a precursor.SnO2 is an important n-type semiconductor with a wide forbidden bandwidth and is widely used in gas sensors, transparent conductive films, electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries, and as window layers in solar cells.DBTO as a precursor for SnO2 nanomaterial precursor, particle size and morphology can be controlled to optimise its optoelectronic properties.

2. Manufacturing of advanced electronic devices
In the fabrication of advanced electronic devices such as high-performance field-effect transistors (FETs), solar cells, and light-emitting diodes (LEDs), the use of DBTO can promote the uniform deposition of semiconductor materials and improve the quality of thin films, thus enhancing the performance and reliability of the devices. For example, DBTO can be used as a precursor in chemical vapour deposition (CVD) or atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes to grow highly ordered semiconductor films.

Role of DBTO in optoelectronic materials
1. Organic-inorganic hybrid chalcogenide materials
Chalcogenide materials have attracted attention for their excellent performance in photovoltaic applications. DBTO can be used as an additive in the synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid chalcogenide materials to adjust the crystallinity and stability of the materials, thus improving the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cells.

2. Photodetectors and light-emitting devices
DBTO can also be used to prepare the active layer of high-performance photodetectors and light-emitting devices. By regulating the addition of DBTO, the optical and electrical properties of semiconductor materials, such as absorption coefficient, carrier lifetime and carrier concentration, can be optimised to achieve higher sensitivity and luminescence efficiency.

Environmental and Health Considerations
Despite the promising applications of DBTO in the semiconductor industry, its potential environmental and health risks cannot be ignored. Organotin compounds may be toxic to aquatic ecosystems, and long-term exposure may have adverse effects on human health. Therefore, researchers need to consider both performance and safety when developing DBTO-based semiconductor materials and devices, and actively explore more environmentally friendly synthesis methods and usage strategies.

The emerging uses of DBTO in the semiconductor industry reflect cutting-edge advances in materials science and nanotechnology. From facilitating the synthesis of high-performance semiconductor materials to optimising the performance of advanced electronic devices, DBTO is gradually demonstrating its potential in the semiconductor field. However, with increasing emphasis on sustainability and environmental standards, future research will aim to balance technological innovation and environmental protection for the development of greener, safer semiconductor materials and devices. Through continued research efforts, we can expect to witness more innovative applications of DBTO in the semiconductor industry, while ensuring that its impact on the environment and human health is minimised.

Extended Reading:

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Stannous octoate polyurethane foaming process

As an efficient and environmentally friendly catalyst, Stannous Octoate plays an important role in the polyurethane (Polyurethane, PU) foaming process. important role. Polyurethane foam is widely used in various industries including construction, automotive, packaging and furniture due to its excellent thermal insulation, sound insulation and mechanical strength. Stannous octoate catalyst can significantly accelerate the reaction between isocyanate and polyol, thereby promoting the formation of polyurethane foam and improving production efficiency and product quality.

The role of stannous octoate in polyurethane foaming process

Stannous octoate catalysts are organic metal compounds that contain divalent tin ions in their molecular structure and can effectively catalyze the reaction between isocyanate and compounds containing active hydrogen atoms (such as polyols, water, etc.). In the polyurethane foaming process, stannous octoate mainly works in the following ways:

  1. Accelerate NCO-OH reaction: Stannous octoate can significantly accelerate the reaction speed between isocyanate group (NCO) and hydroxyl group (OH) in polyol, and promote the formation of polyurethane prepolymer .
  2. Promote the decomposition of foaming agent: During the foaming process, stannous octoate can also catalyze the reaction between the foaming agent (usually water) and isocyanate, releasing carbon dioxide gas to form a stable Foam structure.
  3. Adjust foam density and pore structure: By precisely controlling the amount of catalyst added, the density, pore size and distribution of polyurethane foam can be adjusted to meet the needs of different application fields.

Process flow and precautions

In the polyurethane foaming process, the use of stannous octoate must follow certain operating specifications:

  • Accurate measurement: According to the formula requirements, accurately measure the amount of stannous octoate added. Too much or too little will affect the quality of the foam.
  • Even mixing: Evenly disperse stannous octoate into polyol or other components to ensure uniform distribution of the catalyst throughout the reaction system.
  • Temperature control: Temperature has a significant impact on the catalytic activity of stannous octoate, so it is necessary to control the temperature of the reaction system according to the specific formula and equipment conditions.
  • Safety Measures: Due to the certain toxicity of stannous octoate, appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn during operation to avoid direct contact with skin and inhalation of dust.


As a key catalyst in the polyurethane foaming process, stannous octoate plays an irreplaceable role in increasing production efficiency and improving foam performance. Through fine process control and reasonable formula design, the catalytic performance of stannous octoate can be exerted, providing solid technical support for the wide application of polyurethane foam materials. However, considering the safety and environmental protection of stannous octoate, future research directions may explore more alternatives or improved catalysts in order to further reduce the impact on the environment while maintaining efficient catalytic performance.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


Guidelines for safe handling of stannous octoate

Stannous Octoate, chemical formula C16H30O4Sn, is an organometallic compound widely used in industry. It is often used as a catalyst for polyurethane foaming, silicone rubber curing and other polymerization reactions. However, stannous octoate is corrosive and poses potential health risks, so understanding and following guidelines for its safe handling is critical to protecting worker health and the environment.

Safe handling principles

Risk identification

Stannous octoate may cause harm to humans and the environment, including but not limited to skin and eye irritation, respiratory irritation, and cumulative health problems that may result from long-term exposure. Additionally, stannous octoate may react with other substances under certain conditions to produce harmful by-products.

Personal protection

  • Respiratory protection: When working in an environment where stannous octoate dust or vapor may be generated, wear appropriate respirators, such as N95 masks or higher-level respiratory protection.
  • Skin and Eye Protection: Wear chemical-resistant gloves, long-sleeved coveralls, pants, and safety glasses or a face shield to prevent direct contact.
  • Cleaning Measures: Clean work areas regularly to avoid dust accumulation and leaks, and provide adequate hand-washing facilities.

Secure storage

  • Sealed storage: Stannous octoate should be stored in a sealed container away from air and moisture to prevent oxidation or hydrolysis.
  • Isolated storage: Store it separately from other incompatible materials to avoid potential chemical reactions.
  • Temperature control: Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place, away from high temperatures and direct sunlight.

Response to leaks

  • Precautions: Regularly check the integrity of containers and the security of storage areas and repair any damage promptly.
  • Emergency Response: Develop and implement a spill response plan, including cleaning up spills with absorbents, ventilating, and isolating contaminated areas.
  • Professional training: All personnel exposed to stannous octoate should be trained in safe handling and emergency response procedures.

Operation and Disposal

  • Operating Instructions: Follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet (MSDS/SDS) and avoid breathing vapors, dusts or sprays.
  • Waste Disposal: Dispose of waste stannous octoate and contaminated materials in accordance with local regulations and standard operating procedures and do not dump them randomly.


The correct handling of stannous octoate is not only related to the health and safety of workers, but also related to environmental protection and corporate social responsibility. By strictly adhering to the above safe handling guidelines, the potential risks posed by stannous octoate can be effectively reduced and ensure a safe and sustainable working environment. In addition, ongoing safety education and regular safety audits are key components in maintaining high standards of safety practices. Enterprises should pay attention to chemical management and establish a complete chemical safety management system to ensure the safe use and disposal of stannous octoate and other chemicals, thereby creating a safer working environment for employees.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


The role of stannous octoate in the rubber industry

As an efficient organometallic catalyst, Stannous Octoate occupies an important position in the rubber industry, especially for room temperature curing In the production and application of silicone rubber (RTV Silicone Rubber). Stannous octoate has become one of the preferred catalysts in the manufacturing process of many rubber products due to its unique chemical properties and catalytic efficiency. Below we will delve into the specific role and importance of stannous octoate in the rubber industry.

Application in room temperature curing silicone rubber

Room temperature curing silicone rubber is a material that can be cured at room temperature and is widely used in electronics, construction, medical and aviation fields. The main feature of this type of rubber is that it hardens without heating, which greatly simplifies the production process and reduces energy consumption. The main role of stannous octoate is to catalyze the cross-linking reaction, allowing the linear silicone rubber molecular chains to form a three-dimensional network structure through the cross-linking points, thus completing the curing process. Compared with other catalysts, stannous octoate has higher catalytic efficiency and selectivity, and can promote the curing of silicone rubber more quickly and uniformly while reducing the generation of by-products.

Catalytic characteristics and advantages

The advantages of stannous octoate as a catalyst are:

  • High catalytic activity: Stannous octoate can significantly accelerate the condensation reaction between silanol groups (Si-OH) in silicone rubber, accelerate the curing process, and improve production efficiency.
  • Mild reaction conditions: Stannous octoate can effectively catalyze the reaction at or near room temperature, avoiding the adverse effects of high temperatures on the properties of rubber materials.
  • Controllability: By adjusting the amount of stannous octoate added, the curing speed of silicone rubber and the physical properties of the product, such as hardness, elasticity, etc., can be precisely controlled.
  • Wide applicability: Stannous octoate is suitable for a variety of silicone rubber systems. Whether it is single-component or two-component RTV silicone rubber, it can exert a good catalytic effect.

Application scope

The application of stannous octoate in the rubber industry is not limited to room temperature curing silicone rubber, but also includes:

  • Polyurethane rubber: In the production of polyurethane rubber, stannous octoate can also be used as a catalyst to promote the reaction between isocyanate and polyol and improve the elasticity and wear resistance of rubber.
  • Rubber additive: Stannous octoate can also be used as a stabilizer in rubber products to improve the weather resistance and anti-aging properties of the material.

Safety and environmental considerations

Although stannous octoate has significant application effects in the rubber industry, its chemical properties are reactive, it is easily oxidized, and it has certain potential effects on the environment and human health. Therefore, when using stannous octoate, appropriate safety measures must be taken, such as wearing protective equipment, operating in a well-ventilated environment, and following safe handling guidelines for relevant chemicals to reduce environmental pollution and hazards to operators. health risks.


The application of stannous octoate in the rubber industry demonstrates its excellent performance as a catalyst, especially in the production of room temperature curing silicone rubber. Greatly improve production efficiency and product quality. With the continuous progress of the rubber industry, the development and application of stannous octoate will continue to expand, providing more high-performance rubber material solutions for modern industry. At the same time, researchers and engineers in the industry are also committed to finding safer and more environmentally friendly catalyst alternatives to achieve the goal of sustainable development.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


Synthesis and preparation method of stannous octoate

Stannous Octoate, as a member of organometallic compounds, is used in plastics, rubber, coatings, inks and personal care products It has attracted much attention for its wide range of applications in other industries. Its main functions include catalyst, stabilizer and antibacterial agent. This article aims to provide an overview of several common synthesis and preparation methods of stannous octoate, including traditional chemical synthesis routes and emerging electrochemical synthesis technologies.

Chemical synthesis path

Acid anhydride method

The acid anhydride method is one of the direct and commonly used synthetic routes. This method usually involves reacting a stannous salt (such as stannous chloride or stannous oxide SnO) with isooctanoic anhydride (2-Ethylhexanoic Anhydride) under appropriate solvents and conditions. During the reaction, a metathesis reaction occurs between the stannous salt and the acid anhydride to generate stannous octoate and the corresponding hydrogen halide or water. For example, stannous oxide and isooctanoic acid anhydride react under heating conditions, and then unreacted stannous oxide is removed by filtration, and residual water and unreacted isooctanoic acid are removed by distillation to obtain pure stannous octoate.

Metathesis method

Another synthetic route is the metathesis method, in which stannous salts are reacted with sodium (or potassium) isooctanoate in organic solvents to generate stannous octoate and inorganic salts. The key to this method is to ensure that the pH value and reaction conditions of the reaction system are appropriate to promote the formation of stannous octoate and inhibit the occurrence of side reactions.

Aldehyde disproportionation method

Although less common, aldehyde disproportionation is also a possible synthesis route. In this method, stannous salt reacts with isooctyl aldehyde under specific conditions to generate stannous octoate through the self-disproportionation reaction of the aldehyde. However, due to the complexity and low selectivity of the aldehyde disproportionation reaction, this method is not common in actual production.

Electrochemical synthesis technology

In recent years, electrochemical methods have received more and more attention due to their unique advantages. The electrochemical synthesis of stannous octoate is usually carried out in an electrolytic cell, using current to pass through the anode and cathode, so that the stannous salt is reduced to stannous octoate at the cathode. The advantages of this method include stable production process control, simple operation, low cost of large-scale production, and good product quality. Despite this, the industrial application of electrochemical preparation of stannous octoate has not been widely reported, and its research is still in the development stage.

Lab preparation examples

A typical method for preparing stannous octoate under laboratory conditions is to use stannous oxide and isooctanoic acid. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. In a three-necked flask equipped with mechanical stirring, a thermometer and a reflux condenser, add isooctanoic acid and stannous oxide.
  2. Under nitrogen protection, heat the mixture to about 140°C, and the reaction lasts for about 90 minutes.
  3. After the reaction is completed, filter to remove unreacted stannous oxide.
  4. Remove water and unreacted isooctanoic acid through vacuum distillation to obtain pure stannous octoate.


There are various synthesis and preparation methods of stannous octoate, ranging from traditional chemical synthesis pathways to emerging electrochemical technologies, each method has its own characteristics and limitations. Selecting an appropriate synthetic route requires consideration of factors such as target yield, cost-effectiveness, reaction conditions, and product purity. With the advancement of science and technology, new synthesis technologies and methods are expected to further optimize the production process of stannous octoate and improve its economic efficiency and environmental friendliness.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


Application cases of stannous octoate in coating industry

As a highly efficient catalyst, stannous octoate plays a vital role in the coatings industry, especially in polyurethane (PU), acrylic Resin and epoxy resin systems. It can significantly accelerate the curing process of coatings and improve coating properties, while showing great potential in the development of environmentally friendly coatings. The following are several typical application cases of stannous octoate in the coating industry.

Polyurethane coating

Polyurethane coatings are widely used in many fields due to their excellent physical properties, chemical resistance and decorative properties. As a catalyst for polyurethane coatings, stannous octoate can accelerate the reaction between isocyanate (NCO) and hydroxyl (OH), promote the rapid curing of the coating, and shorten the construction cycle. In two-component polyurethane coatings, the addition of stannous octoate not only speeds up the cross-linking reaction, but also helps adjust the curing rate of the coating to ensure the stability of the coating under different temperature and humidity conditions. In addition, stannous octoate can also improve the hardness, wear resistance and adhesion of the coating, and enhance the protective effect of the coating on the substrate.

Acrylic resin paint

In acrylic resin coatings, the catalytic effect of stannous octoate is equally important. It can promote the cross-linking reaction between the resin and the curing agent, form a dense network structure, and improve the weather resistance and corrosion resistance of the coating. Especially in water-based acrylic coatings, stannous octoate serves as an auxiliary catalyst and works synergistically with the main catalyst to effectively reduce VOCs (volatile organic compounds) emissions and promote the development of environmentally friendly coatings. For acrylic coatings that need to be cured at room temperature, the addition of stannous octoate is particularly critical because it can achieve rapid curing of the coating without the need for high temperatures, reducing energy consumption and improving production efficiency.

Epoxy resin coating

Epoxy resin coatings are widely used in the electronics, construction and automotive industries due to their excellent anti-corrosion properties and good electrical insulation. The application of stannous octoate in epoxy resin coatings is mainly reflected in accelerating the reaction between the curing agent and the epoxy resin, shortening the curing time, and improving the mechanical strength and chemical resistance of the coating. In some cases, stannous octoate can also be used as an auxiliary catalyst to work with amine or anhydride curing agents to improve the leveling and gloss of the coating.

Nanocomposite coating

With the development of nanotechnology, nanocomposite coatings have become a research hotspot in recent years. Stannous octoate plays a unique catalytic role in these new coatings, promoting the interfacial reaction between nanoparticles and organic polymers, enhancing the dispersion and stability of nanoparticles, and thus improving the overall performance of the coating. For example, nanocomposite coatings containing silica or carbon nanotubes can achieve a more uniform distribution of nanoparticles through the catalytic effect of stannous octoate, thereby obtaining better mechanical properties and anti-aging capabilities.


The application cases of stannous octoate in the coatings industry fully demonstrate its versatility and efficiency as a catalyst. Whether it is traditional coatings or emerging environmentally friendly coatings, stannous octoate can play a key role in improving the performance of coatings and meeting the special needs of different fields. With the continuous advancement of coating technology, the application scope of stannous octoate will be further expanded, bringing more innovation and development opportunities to the coating industry. At the same time, considering the chemical properties and safety issues of stannous octoate, future research needs to be devoted to developing more environmentally friendly and stable catalyst alternatives to meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations and sustainable development requirements.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


BDMAEE:Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether

CAS NO:3033-62-3

China supplier

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