The role of pentamethyldiethylenetriamine in room temperature curing silicone rubber

Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA or PC5 for short) is a multifunctional amine compound that is used in many chemical It plays a role as a catalyst in the field of materials processing. During the preparation process of room temperature curing (RTV) silicone rubber, PMDETA can significantly accelerate the cross-linking reaction, thus affecting the performance and curing rate of the product.

Cure mechanism of RTV silicone rubber

Room temperature curing silicone rubber mainly cures through two mechanisms: Condensation Cure and Addition Cure. Condensed RTV silicone rubber usually uses moisture in the air as an initiator to form a three-dimensional network structure through dehydration condensation reaction between silanol groups (Si-OH). Addition RTV silicone rubber relies on the addition reaction between hydrogen-containing siloxane and siloxane containing unsaturated bonds. This process requires the participation of a platinum catalyst.

The role of PMDETA

In the curing of condensation-type RTV silicone rubber, the role of PMDETA is to promote the dehydration condensation reaction between silanol groups and accelerate the curing process. Since PMDETA has multiple active amine groups, they can serve as Lewis bases, providing electron pairs to stabilize the transition state, reduce the reaction activation energy, and thus increase the reaction rate. In addition, PMDETA can also react with the generated by-products (such as water) to reduce the inhibitory effect of water on the reaction and ensure a more thorough and uniform curing process.

Catalytic efficiency and application advantages

PMDETA’s high catalytic efficiency and selectivity make it an ideal additive for room temperature curing silicone rubber. Compared with other amine catalysts, PMDETA can achieve efficient curing effects at lower concentrations, which not only reduces costs but also reduces performance problems caused by excess catalyst residue. For example, excess catalyst may cause the silicone rubber to increase in hardness, decrease in elasticity, or generate bubbles during the curing process, affecting the aesthetics and functionality of the product.

Control curing conditions

The addition of PMDETA allows manufacturers to better control curing conditions, including curing time, temperature sensitivity and the effects of ambient humidity. This is particularly important for industrial applications that need to operate under specific conditions, such as in electronic packaging, automotive sealing, building joint filling, etc., where room temperature curing silicone rubber must cure quickly in a limited space without affecting its surrounding components.


Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine, as a high-performance catalyst, is crucial for the preparation of room temperature curing silicone rubber. It can not only accelerate the curing process, but also improve the controllability of curing conditions, reduce the generation of by-products, and improve the quality and performance of silicone rubber products. By finely adjusting the amount of PMDETA added, manufacturers can optimize the curing properties of silicone rubber for different application scenarios to meet diverse needs.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

High purity pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA) laboratory use

High purity pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA), chemical name is N,N,N’,N’,N “-Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine is an organic compound with special properties. Because of its unique structure and high reactivity, PMDETA plays an important role in laboratory research and chemical synthesis. It will be introduced in detail below High purity PMDETA has many uses in the laboratory.

Laboratory synthesis and catalysis

1. Catalysts in organic synthesis

PMDETA, as a strongly basic tertiary amine, can be used as a catalyst in organic synthesis, especially in asymmetric synthesis, it can promote the construction of chiral centers. In the laboratory, it can be used to catalyze various types of reactions, such as Michael addition, Mannich reaction, aldol condensation, etc. Among them, PMDETA can help control the selectivity and yield of the reaction, especially in stereoselectivity. Play an important role in synthesis.

2. Ligands of metal complexes

High-purity PMDETA is often used as a ligand for metal complexes to prepare metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with specific functions, complex catalysts, etc. It can form stable complexes with metal ions, and these complexes show potential applications in catalysis, adsorption, separation and storage of gases such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

Analytical Chemistry and Detection

3. Analytical reagents

In analytical chemistry, PMDETA can be used as a reagent to participate in quantitative analysis, such as an indicator or standard solution component in titration analysis, used to determine the concentration of acidic substances or specific metal ions. Its high purity ensures the accuracy and reliability of analytical results.

4. Mass Spectrometry Analysis

PMDETA can also be used as an ionization reagent in mass spectrometry analysis to help improve the ionization efficiency of certain compounds, thereby enhancing signal intensity and making the detection of low-concentration substances possible.

Material science and surface modification

5. Surface Modifier

In the field of materials science, PMDETA can be used to modify solid surfaces, such as amination treatment of metal, semiconductor and ceramic surfaces, to improve the wettability, adhesion and reactivity of materials. This modification is of great significance for nanotechnology, biomedical materials and microelectronic device manufacturing.

6. Polymer functionalization

PMDETA can also participate in polymerization reactions as a functional monomer, introducing amine groups to the polymer chain, thereby changing the physical and chemical properties of the polymer, such as improving the solubility, reactivity and compatibility with other materials of the polymer. Capacity.

Biochemistry and Medicinal Chemistry

7. Drug synthesis and carrier design

In the fields of biochemistry and medicinal chemistry, PMDETA can be used in the design and synthesis of drug molecules, especially as part of a carrier molecule for the preparation of drug delivery systems such as liposomes and nanoparticles to improve the target of drugs. tropism and bioavailability.

Environmental Science and Energy Technology

8. Carbon dioxide capture

PMDETA has been proven to be an effective carbon dioxide absorber and can be used in carbon dioxide capture technologies in environmental science to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Its efficient absorption performance and low regeneration energy consumption enable it to show application potential in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.


In summary, high-purity pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA) has a wide range of applications in laboratories, from It plays an irreplaceable role in everything from organic synthesis to materials science to the environment and medicine. Its high purity ensures the accuracy of experimental results and the reliability of scientific research. It is one of the indispensable chemicals in modern laboratories.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Balanced Foaming and Gel Reaction of Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine

Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA), as an efficient catalyst, plays a key role in the manufacturing process of polyurethane foam . In the synthesis of polyurethane foam, balancing the foaming reaction and the gelation reaction is a key step to ensure product performance and quality. PMDETA achieves uniform foaming and ideal physical properties of the foam by precisely regulating the rates of these two reactions. The role of PMDETA in these two processes will be discussed in detail below.

Basic principles of foaming reaction and gel reaction

The synthesis of polyurethane foam usually involves the reaction of polyols and polyisocyanates, a process that includes both foaming and gelling reactions. The foaming reaction means that polyol and water generate carbon dioxide gas under the action of a catalyst to form a foam structure; while the gel reaction means that polyol and polyisocyanate react directly to form a polyurethane network structure. If the foaming reaction is too fast, the foam structure will be uneven, while if the gel reaction is too fast, the foaming process may be restricted, resulting in uneven foam densities.

Catalytic effect of PMDETA

1. Equilibrium reaction rate

PMDETA, as a catalyst, can effectively balance the rates of foaming reaction and gelation reaction. It accelerates the gel reaction to prevent foam collapse caused by too fast foaming process, and also ensures that the foaming reaction proceeds fully to generate a uniform foam structure. This balancing effect is achieved through PMDETA’s selective catalysis of different reaction pathways.

2. Controlling reaction kinetics

PMDETA interacts with reactants through multiple active sites in its structure, reducing the reaction activation energy and thereby accelerating the reaction rate. It has a stronger promotion effect on the gel reaction, but it can also effectively participate in the foaming reaction, ensuring that the two proceed within an appropriate time scale to avoid either party being too dominant and affecting the foam quality.

PMDETA addition strategy

In actual production, the amount and timing of adding PMDETA need to be carefully calculated. Excessive PMDETA may cause the gel to react too quickly, affecting the openness and air permeability of the foam; while insufficient addition may cause the foaming reaction to be uncontrolled, resulting in a loose foam structure or uneven density. Therefore, it is crucial to adjust the dosage of PMDETA according to specific formula and process requirements.

The effect of PMDETA on foam properties

Through the catalytic effect of PMDETA, polyurethane foam with the following characteristics can be obtained:

  • Uniform cell structure: The balanced foaming and gel reaction ensures the uniform distribution of cells inside the foam, improving the elasticity and durability of the foam.
  • Good dimensional stability: Reasonable reaction rate control helps minimize the volume change of the foam during the curing process, ensuring the accuracy of the finished product’s dimensions.
  • Optimized thermal insulation performance: Uniform cell structure and appropriate density help improve the thermal insulation ability of foam, making it widely used in building insulation, refrigeration equipment and other fields.


Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA), as a key catalyst in the synthesis of polyurethane foam, precisely controls the foaming reaction and gelation The balance of the reaction has a decisive influence on the foam formation process and product quality. Through an in-depth understanding and rational application of PMDETA’s catalytic effect, the production efficiency and product performance of polyurethane foam can be significantly improved to meet the demand for high-quality foam materials in different industrial fields.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Application of PC5 catalyst in rigid polyurethane foam

PC5 catalyst, as a highly efficient catalyst specially designed for the production of rigid polyurethane foam, is useful for optimizing the foaming process and improving foam performance. and enhancing productivity are crucial. In the manufacture of rigid polyurethane foam, catalysts play a role in accelerating chemical reactions and balancing the rates of foaming and gelling reactions. The PC5 catalyst has shown excellent results in this field due to its unique chemical properties and functions.

Overview of the production of rigid polyurethane foam

Rigid polyurethane foam (RPUF) is produced by the reaction of polyols and polyisocyanates in the presence of catalysts, blowing agents, stabilizers and other additives. This process includes a foaming reaction to produce carbon dioxide gas and a gelling reaction to form a three-dimensional network structure of polyurethane. The presence of catalysts greatly accelerates the process of these reactions, thereby affecting the formation, structure and performance of foams.

Characteristics and functions of PC5 catalyst

Accelerate chemical reactions

The PC5 catalyst is a “foaming” catalyst, meaning it is specifically designed to accelerate the foaming process of rigid foams. It accelerates the reaction rate between polyols and polyisocyanates by reducing the activation energy of chemical reactions, thereby promoting the rapid formation of foam. This is very important to improve production efficiency and reduce processing cycle time.

Balancing foaming and gelling reactions

In the production of polyurethane foam, the foaming reaction and gelation reaction need to be balanced to ensure the uniformity and stability of the foam. The PC5 catalyst not only accelerates the foaming reaction, but also moderately promotes the gel reaction to ensure the integrity of the foam structure and avoid foam collapse or structural defects caused by too slow gel reaction.

Improve foam fluidity

The use of PC5 catalyst can also improve the fluidity of the foam, allowing the foam to fill the mold more evenly during the foaming process, forming a dense and consistent structure. This is especially important for complex-shaped products to ensure that the foam is fully expanded in all areas, avoiding voids or under-foamed areas.

Application examples and advantages

In the production of rigid polyurethane foam, the application of PC5 catalyst brings significant advantages:

  • Improving production efficiency: Rapid foaming and gelling reactions shorten processing time, increase production line output, and reduce unit costs.
  • Optimize foam performance: PC5 catalyst helps form a more uniform cell structure, improves the thermal insulation performance, mechanical strength and dimensional stability of the foam, making it more suitable for building insulation and refrigeration Applications such as transportation and packaging materials.
  • Reducing energy consumption and environmental impact: By improving foaming efficiency and reducing unnecessary energy consumption, PC5 catalyst helps reduce the carbon footprint of the entire production process, in line with the goals of sustainable development.


The application of PC5 catalyst in the production of rigid polyurethane foam reflects its unique value as a high-performance catalyst. It not only accelerates chemical reactions, but also improves the quality and production efficiency of foam products by balancing foaming and gelling reactions. With the increasing requirements for environmental protection and energy conservation, the selection of efficient catalysts such as PC5 is of great significance in promoting the development of the polyurethane industry in a greener and more sustainable direction. In the future, with the continuous advancement of catalyst technology, we are expected to see more innovative catalysts being developed to further optimize the performance of rigid polyurethane foam, broaden its application scope, and meet changing market needs.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Catalytic efficiency of PMDETA in polyisocyanurate sheets

PMDETA, full name N,N,N’,N’,N”,N”-Hexamethyldiethylenetriamine (hexamethyldiethylenetriamine) , is an efficient organic catalyst, especially playing a key role in the chemical reaction of polyurethane (PU). When applied to the production of polyisocyanurate (PIR) sheets, the catalytic efficiency of PMDETA is directly related to the foaming quality, physical properties and production efficiency of the sheets. This article will explore the catalytic mechanism, influencing factors and performance optimization of PMDETA in polyisocyanurate sheets.

Catalytic mechanism

In the synthesis process of polyisocyanurate sheets, PMDETA mainly catalyzes the reaction between isocyanate groups and water, that is, the foaming reaction, and also helps balance the gel reaction. PMDETA promotes the contact between isocyanate groups and water molecules by donating protons or accepting protons, accelerating the generation of carbon dioxide, thereby producing foam. In addition, it participates in the cross-linking reaction between isocyanate groups to form a polyurethane network, which is called a gel reaction.

Factors affecting catalytic efficiency

The catalytic efficiency of PMDETA is affected by many factors, including but not limited to temperature, reactant concentration, pH value of the reaction medium, and the concentration of PMDETA itself. Increasing temperature usually increases catalytic efficiency, but too high a temperature may lead to the occurrence of side reactions; changes in reactant concentration will affect the relative proportion of the catalyst, thereby affecting catalytic efficiency; adjustment of pH value can optimize the active state of the catalyst; PMDETA The concentration directly determines the strength of its catalytic ability.

Performance optimization

The application of PMDETA in polyisocyanurate sheets can significantly improve the performance of the sheets. First, the strong foaming effect of PMDETA improves the fluidity of the foam, making the board more uniform during the molding process and reducing the problem of uneven internal pores. Secondly, the use of PMDETA helps control the density and closed cell ratio of the board, thereby improving its thermal insulation performance. Thirdly, due to the efficient catalytic effect of PMDETA, the production cycle of the plate can be shortened, the production efficiency is improved, and the energy consumption is also reduced.

Practical applications and challenges

In actual production, the addition amount of PMDETA needs to be precisely controlled to achieve excellent catalytic effect. Too much PMDETA may cause over-foaming of the foam and affect the mechanical strength of the board; while too little may cause insufficient foaming and reduce the thermal insulation performance of the board. Therefore, manufacturers need to adjust the amount of PMDETA according to specific process conditions and plate specifications to achieve excellent performance.


PMDETA’s catalytic efficiency in the production of polyisocyanurate sheets is crucial to ensuring the quality and production efficiency of the sheets. By finely adjusting the catalytic conditions, the catalytic effect of PMDETA can be improved, thereby producing high-quality polyisocyanurate sheets with good thermal insulation properties, high strength and low thermal conductivity. With the continuous development of the polyurethane industry, the demand for efficient catalysts is growing day by day. As a catalyst with excellent performance, PMDETA will play a more important role in the production of polyisocyanurate sheets in the future, promoting technological innovation and development in the industry. product upgrade.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Use of N-formylmorpholine in pesticides

N-formylmorpholine (NFM), as an organic compound, has found its unique application in the field of agricultural chemistry value, especially in the formulation and functional enhancement of pesticides. The versatility of NFM makes it an indispensable ingredient in pesticide formulations. Below we will explore the specific applications of N-formylmorpholine in pesticides and the scientific principles behind it.

1. As a solvent and synergist in pesticide formulations

N-Formylmorpholine is widely used as a solvent in pesticide formulations due to its excellent solubility properties. It can dissolve a variety of pesticide active ingredients, including those that are difficult to dissolve in water or other conventional solvents, thereby improving pesticide formulation efficiency and product quality. In addition, NFM, as a synergist, can enhance the biological activity of pesticides and improve their adhesion and penetration ability on the surface of target crops, thereby improving the efficiency of pesticide use and control effects.

2. Improve the stability of pesticides

NFM helps improve the stability of pesticides, especially under complex environmental conditions. It can protect the active ingredients of pesticides from the effects of light, heat, oxidation and other factors, extend the shelf life of pesticides, and ensure activity during storage and transportation. This improved stability is critical to the pesticide industry as it is directly related to the reliability and cost-effectiveness of pesticides in practical applications.

3. As an intermediate for synthetic pesticides

In the process of pesticide synthesis, N-formylmorpholine can serve as a key chemical intermediate and participate in the construction of specific structural units of pesticide molecules. Through the participation of NFM, chemists can design and synthesize a series of new pesticide compounds with different biological activities. These compounds may have higher selectivity, lower ecological risks, and longer duration of action, thereby providing safer and more effective pest management solutions for agricultural production.

4. Promote bioavailability of pesticides

The addition of NFM can significantly improve the adhesion and permeability of pesticides on plant leaves, which means that more active ingredients can be absorbed by crops and reach target pests and diseases. This characteristic is extremely important for improving the bioavailability of pesticides, because only when a sufficient amount of pesticides reaches the pests and diseases can it effectively exert its control effect, while also reducing environmental pollution and resource waste caused by excessive spraying.

5. Used for pesticide residue detection

In the field of pesticide residue analysis, N-formylmorpholine is sometimes used as a solvent or derivatization reagent during sample processing. With the assistance of NFM, pesticide residues can be more efficiently extracted and purified from complex matrices, thereby achieving accurate determination of pesticide residues in food and the environment, ensuring food safety and ecological environment monitoring.

6. As a component of biopesticides

In recent years, biopesticides have received increasing attention due to their lower environmental impact and eco-friendliness. NFM is used as a carrier or auxiliary for active ingredients in some biopesticide formulas to help deliver biologically active substances such as beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, and natural toxins to achieve the purpose of controlling pests and diseases. This application method not only reduces the dependence on chemical pesticides, but also promotes the sustainable development of agriculture.


The application of N-formylmorpholine in pesticides demonstrates its role in improving pesticide efficacy, ensuring crop health and promoting agricultural sustainability. important role. However, although NFM has significant advantages in the field of pesticides, its use still needs to be cautious and its potential effects on the environment and human health should be fully considered. Therefore, the development and use of pesticides must comply with strict regulatory standards to ensure that while increasing agricultural yields, they do not cause irreversible damage to the ecological environment. With the advancement of agricultural science and technology and the increase in environmental awareness, we look forward to seeing more innovative and green pesticide solutions, and N-formylmorpholine will play an indispensable role in this process.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


Production technology of N-formylmorpholine

N-formylmorpholine (NFM) is an important organic solvent and fine chemical raw material because of its good Due to its solubility, high boiling point and relatively low toxicity and corrosiveness, it is widely used in many industrial fields, such as aromatic hydrocarbon extraction, butene concentration, and natural gas desulfurization. The production process of NFM mainly involves the esterification reaction of morpholine and methyl formate as raw materials, usually in the presence of a catalyst. The following is a typical production process flow of N-formylmorpholine:

Raw material preparation:

  • Morpholine: A six-membered cyclic nitrogen-containing compound that serves as the amine component of the reaction.
  • Methyl formate: Methyl formate acts as an acylating agent and provides a formyl group.

Catalyst selection:

  • The choice of transesterification catalyst is crucial to the reaction efficiency. Commonly used catalysts include sodium alkoxide, potassium alkoxide, organotin, titanate and their compounds, such as sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, sodium ethoxide, potassium ethoxide, Sodium tert-butoxide, potassium tert-butoxide, dibutyltin oxide, dioctyltin oxide, butyl titanate, etc.

Reaction conditions:

  • Mass ratio: The mass ratio of morpholine and methyl formate is usually 1.30~1.74:1 to ensure sufficient acylation reaction.
  • Catalyst dosage: The amount of catalyst added is generally 0.5% to 5% of the total weight of raw materials to promote the transesterification reaction.
  • Reaction pressure: The reaction can be carried out in the range of normal pressure to 0.6Mpa.
  • Reaction temperature: The appropriate reaction temperature range is 30~120℃ to balance the reaction rate and the suppression of side reactions.
  • Reaction time: The reaction time is usually set between 2 and 6 hours to ensure the completeness of the reaction.

Separation and purification:

  • Batch separation process:
    • Separation and recovery of methyl formate: through distillation, the operating pressure is 0.1~0.2Mpa, the reactor temperature is controlled at 68~82°C, and the methyl formate fraction is collected at the top of the tower.
    • Separation and recovery of methanol: Change the distillation pressure to normal pressure, raise the reactor temperature to 68~130°C, and collect methanol at the top of the tower.
    • Separation and recovery of morpholine: the crude product is filtered to remove the catalyst, and then distilled under a vacuum of 0.09~0.099MPa, the reactor temperature is 130 ~155℃, morpholine is collected at the top of the tower.
    • Obtaining N-formylmorpholine: Maintain the above vacuum degree, raise the reactor temperature to 155~165°C, and collect N-formylmorpholine from the top of the tower.
  • Continuous separation process:
    • Similar to intermittent separation, but the entire process is carried out in continuous flow equipment, including flash tanks, evaporators, light component towers and vacuum product towers, etc., to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Product quality:

  • The N-formylmorpholine produced should be a colorless and transparent liquid that meets specific quality standards, such as purity, color, moisture content and other indicators.

The production process of N-formylmorpholine is a complex chemical engineering process that requires precise control of reaction conditions and separation steps to ensure the quality of the product quality and yield. As technology develops, continuous process optimization and improvement are necessary to increase production efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


N-Formylmorpholine Safety Data Sheet

N-Formylmorpholine (N-Formylmorpholine), chemical formula C5H9NO, is a multifunctional organic compound widely used in chemical synthesis, Solvent and pharmaceutical industries. Due to its industrial importance, understanding its safety features is crucial to ensuring a safe workplace. The following is a summary of the N-Formylmorpholine Safety Data Sheet (SDS) based on general information covering its physical and chemical properties, health hazards, first aid measures, fire and explosion protection information, emergency release handling, handling and storage recommendations, and environmental protection measure.

1. Chemical identification

Product identification: N-formylmorpholine

Chemical name: N-Formylmorpholine

CAS number: [Fill in the actual CAS number here]

EINECS number: [Fill in the actual EINECS number here]

Molecular formula: C5H9NO

Molecular weight: about 101.13 g/mol

2. Risk Overview

Hazard Category:

  • Physical Hazards: Flammable liquids, vapors and air form explosive mixtures.
  • Health Hazards: May cause irritation and toxicity by inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact.
  • Environmental Hazard: Toxic to aquatic life.

Signal word: warning

Hazard Statement:

  • H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapor.
  • H315: Causes skin irritation.
  • H319: Causes serious eye irritation.
  • H335: May cause respiratory tract irritation.
  • H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Precautionary instructions:

  • P210: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames and hot surfaces.
  • P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapor/spray.
  • P273: Avoid release into the environment.
  • P305+P351+P338: If in eyes: Rinse carefully with water for several minutes. If you wear contact lenses and can easily remove them, remove them. Continue rinsing.

3. Composition/information components

  • Main ingredient: N-formylmorpholine
  • Purity/Concentration: [Fill in the actual purity/concentration here]
  • Other ingredients: [Fill in other additives or impurities here]

4. First aid measures


  • Move to fresh air and keep breathing clear. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek medical attention.

Skin contact:

  • Take off contaminated clothing immediately and rinse skin with plenty of running water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.

Eye contact:

  • Immediately lift the eyelids and rinse thoroughly with running water or saline for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.


  • Do not induce vomiting. If swallowed, do not drink water unless directed by your doctor. Get medical attention immediately.

5. Firefighting measures

Fire-extinguishing media:

  • Use solvent-resistant foam, dry powder, or carbon dioxide to extinguish fires.

Special hazards:

  • Combustion produces toxic fumes, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.

6. Emergency leakage treatment

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • Isolate the leakage area and avoid direct contact.
  • Small spills: absorb with sand or other inert materials.
  • Substantial leakage: build dikes or dig pits to contain them.

7. Operation and storage

Operation precautions:

  • Operate in a well-ventilated area.
  • Avoid the generation of dust and vapors.
  • Use explosion-proof electrical equipment.

Storage Notes:

  • Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place.
  • Keep away from heat, sparks and open flames.
  • Store separately from oxidizing agents.

8. Exposure control/personal protection

Engineering Control:

  • Provide adequate local exhaust or general ventilation.

Respiratory protection:

  • Wear appropriate respiratory protective equipment when air pollutants exceed standards.

Eye protection:

  • Wear chemical safety glasses.

Body protection:

  • Wear protective clothing, gloves, and shoe covers.

9. Physical and chemical properties

  • Appearance and properties: Colorless to slightly yellow transparent liquid.
  • Melting point/freezing point: [Fill in actual melting point here]
  • Boiling point/boiling range: [Fill in actual boiling point here]
  • Flashpoint: [Fill in actual flashpoint here]
  • Explosion limit: [Fill in the actual explosion limit here]

10. Stability and reactivity

  • Avoid contact with strong oxidants, strong acids, and strong alkalis.

11. Toxicological information

  • Acute toxicity: LD50 (orally administered to mice) [fill in actual data here] mg/kg
  • Chronic toxicity: Long-term exposure may affect liver and kidney function.

12. Ecological information

  • Biodegradability: [Fill in actual data here]
  • Bioconcentration or bioaccumulation: [Fill in actual data here]

13. Disposal

  • Waste nature: [Fill in the actual waste nature here.��]
  • Waste disposal method: [Fill in the actual waste disposal method here]

14. Transportation information

  • United Nations number: [Fill in the actual UN number here]
  • Packaging category: [Fill in the actual packaging category here]

15. Regulatory information

  • Regulations: Comply with local and international chemical management regulations.

16. Other information

  • References: [List references here]

Please note that this SDS summary is based on general information. The actual safety data sheet should contain specific CAS number, EINECS number, purity , hazard classification and specific operating instructions. Always consult the complete safety data sheet and follow all applicable safety regulations before handling any chemical.

Extended reading:

Niax A-1Niax A-99

BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

Toyocat MR Gel balanced catalyst tetramethylhexamethylenediamine Tosoh





DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


The role of N-formylmorpholine in pharmaceutical applications

N-Formylmorpholine (NFM), as a multifunctional organic compound, is not only used in the fields of industrial solvents and extraction agents It has a wide range of applications and plays an important role in the field of medicinal chemistry. Its chemical structure gives it unique advantages as an intermediate, reaction medium, and modifier. The following are some important roles of N-formylmorpholine in pharmaceutical applications:

1. Chemical intermediates

N-Formylmorpholine can be used as a key intermediate in the synthesis of various drugs. The chemical reactions it participates in can build complex molecular skeletons, especially when synthesizing drug molecules containing heterocyclic structures. For example, NFM can serve as a formylation reagent to introduce a formyl group, a common functional group in many bioactive molecules. The introduction of formyl groups can not only change the polarity and solubility of the drug, but may also enhance the biological activity or metabolic stability of the drug.

2. Reaction solvent

NFM, as a mild and stable solvent, can promote a variety of chemical reactions without destroying sensitive intermediates. Its use in organic synthesis reduces dependence on traditional toxic or unstable solvents and improves reaction selectivity and yield. Especially in multi-step synthesis processes, the use of N-formylmorpholine can simplify reaction conditions and reduce the formation of by-products, thus improving the overall synthesis efficiency and economy.

3. Improve the physical and chemical properties of drugs

By interacting with drug molecules, N-formylmorpholine can improve the solubility, stability and bioavailability of drugs. For example, by forming NFM derivatives, drug forms with better pharmacokinetic properties can be designed, which can help improve the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) properties of the drug.

4. Preparation of drug prodrugs

NFM is also used in the preparation of drug prodrugs, such as the preparation of specifically labeled compounds through reactions involving NFM for drug metabolism research or the development of radiopharmaceuticals. These labeled compounds can help researchers track the metabolic pathways of drugs in the body and evaluate the targeting and safety of drugs.

5. Development of drug delivery systems

NFM can also be used to develop new drug delivery systems. Due to its good solubility and compatibility with other substances, NFM can be used as part of the carrier material to encapsulate drugs to achieve sustained or targeted release, reduce drug side effects and improve therapeutic effects.

6. Antibacterial and antiseptic applications

N-Formylmorpholine has certain antibacterial properties and can be used as a preservative in certain pharmaceutical formulations to extend the validity period of pharmaceutical preparations. This is particularly important for drugs that require long-term storage, ensuring that the drug maintains its efficacy throughout its shelf life.

7. Research Tools

In the process of drug discovery and development, NFM is used as a research tool to screen and optimize drug candidate molecules. It helps chemists understand interactions between molecules, identify potential drug targets, and evaluate the pharmacological activity of compounds.

In summary, the role of N-formylmorpholine in pharmaceutical applications is multifaceted, from serving as a chemical intermediate and solvent, From improving the physicochemical properties of drugs to the development of drug delivery systems and preservatives, NFM has taken its place in modern medicinal chemistry. With the continuous deepening of scientific research, the potential application fields of NFM will be further expanded. However, it is worth noting that the use of NFM needs to strictly follow safety regulations. Considering its potential irritation and toxicity, it must be operated under professional guidance to protect the health and safety of laboratory personnel.

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BDMAEE Manufacture

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DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


Detailed analysis of the physical and chemical properties of N-formylmorpholine

N-formylmorpholine (NFM), with the chemical formula C5H9NO, is a multifunctional organic compound with its unique Its physical and chemical properties have shown wide application potential in many fields such as chemistry, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, etc. This article will deeply explore the main physical and chemical properties of N-formylmorpholine, including its physical state, solubility, stability, reactivity, etc., aiming to provide scientific basis for the application of NFM in various fields.

1. Physical properties

N-Formylmorpholine usually appears as a colorless to light yellow transparent liquid at room temperature, with a slight special odor. Its density is about 1.03g/cm³, which is slightly heavier than water. This characteristic makes it exhibit excellent performance in the application of solvents and extractants. The boiling point of NFM is approximately 200°C. Its high boiling point feature allows it to maintain good stability under high temperature conditions and is suitable for chemical reactions or processes that require higher temperatures.

2. Solubility

N-Formylmorpholine is an excellent solvent capable of dissolving a wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds, including those that are not readily soluble in water or other conventional solvents. It is partially miscible with water, but prefers to form a miscible system with organic solvents, which gives it unique advantages as a solvent or reaction medium in the fields of organic synthesis, pharmaceutical preparation, and pesticide formulation. The solubility characteristics of NFM provide chemists with greater flexibility, facilitating complex chemical transformations and high-yield product synthesis.

3. Stability and reactivity

N-Formylmorpholine is relatively stable at room temperature and pressure and is not prone to self-decomposition. However, it may undergo hydrolysis reaction under strong acid, strong alkali or high temperature conditions to generate morpholine and formic acid. This property limits the application of NFM under extreme conditions, but under mild conditions, the stability of NFM makes it an ideal chemical intermediate and reaction medium. The reactivity of NFM is mainly reflected in its ability to be used as a formylation reagent, participating in chemical reactions such as esterification and acylation, and used to synthesize compounds containing formyl groups. This feature is particularly important in drug synthesis and materials science.

4. Chemical structure and functional groups

The chemical structure of NFM consists of a six-membered ring morpholine group and a formyl group. The nitrogen atom on the morpholine ring has a lone pair of electrons and can participate in nucleophilic reactions; while the formyl group provides an active carbonyl group, which is easy to carry out various types of chemical reactions such as addition and substitution. This unique structural combination endows NFM with versatility in chemical synthesis, allowing it to participate in a variety of chemical transformations as catalysts, reaction media, or starting materials.

5. Security considerations

Although N-formylmorpholine is widely used in industry and scientific research, it is irritating to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract, and long-term or high-concentration exposure may cause discomfort. Therefore, when using NFM, appropriate safety precautions should be taken, such as wearing protective glasses, gloves, and a respirator to avoid direct contact and inhalation. In addition, NFM should be stored away from heat sources, sparks and open flames to prevent its vapor from forming explosive mixtures with air to ensure the safety of the working environment.

6. Environmental Impact and Disposal

N-Formylmorpholine has certain toxicity to aquatic organisms, and improper discharge may have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, during the use and disposal of NFM, environmental protection principles should be followed and appropriate wastewater treatment technologies and waste recycling procedures should be adopted to reduce pollution to the natural environment. Proper planning and implementation of NFM’s environmental management strategies are of great significance to promoting sustainable development and protecting ecosystems.


N-Formylmorpholine, as a multifunctional organic compound, has broad application prospects in chemical synthesis, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and other fields with its unique physical and chemical properties. An in-depth understanding of the physical state, solubility, stability, reactivity and safety considerations of NFM will not only help its wider application in existing fields, but also lay a solid foundation for exploring its potential in emerging technologies and green chemistry. Foundation. In the future, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, NFM’s contribution to promoting industrial innovation and environmental protection will become increasingly significant.

Extended reading:

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BDMAEE Manufacture

Toyocat NP catalyst Tosoh

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DABCO MP608/Delayed equilibrium catalyst


BDMAEE:Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether

CAS NO:3033-62-3

China supplier

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