Methyl ether

Structural formula of methyl ethyl ether

Structural formula of methyl ethyl ether

Structural formula

Business number 05KC
Molecular formula C3H8O
Molecular weight 60.10


Methyl ether,

Methyl ethyl ether,


Methyl ethyl ether,


Numbering system

CAS number:540-67-0

MDL number:None

EINECS number:None

RTECS number:KO0260000

BRN number:None

PubChem ID:None

Physical property data

1. Properties: colorless gas or liquid [1]

2. Melting point (℃): -113[2]

3. Boiling point (℃): 7.4[3]

4. Relative density (water=1): 0.73[4]

5. Relative vapor density (air=1): 2.1[5]

6. Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 53.32 (-7.8 ℃)[6]

7. Heat of combustion (KJ/mol): -2105.4[7]

8. Critical temperature (℃): 164.7[8]

9. Critical pressure (MPa): 4.40[9]

10. Octanol/water partition coefficient: 0.56[10]

11. Flash point (℃): -37 (CC)[11]

12. Ignition temperature (℃): 190[12]

13. Explosion upper limit (%, V/V): 10.1 [13]

14. Lower explosion limit (%, V/V): 2.0[14]

15. Solubility: soluble In water, miscible in ethanol and ether. [15]

16. Critical density (g·cm-3): 0.271

17. Critical volume (cm 3·mol-1): 222

18. Critical compression factor: 0.267

19. Eccentricity factor: 0.219

20. Gas phase standard combustion heat (enthalpy) (kJ·mol-1): -2107.4

21. Gas phase standard claimed heat (enthalpy) (kJ ·mol-1): -216.4

22. Gas phase standard entropy (J·mol-1·K-1): 309.25

23. Gas phase standard formation free energy (kJ·mol-1): -117.0

24. Gas phase standard hot melt (J ·mol-1·K-1): 93.30

Toxicological data

1. Acute toxicity[16] LC50: 1082mg/m3 (mouse inhalation, 15min )

2. Irritation No information available

Ecological data

1. This substance may be harmful to the environment, and special attention should be paid to water bodies.

2. Ecotoxicity No data available

3. Biodegradability No data

4. Non-biodegradability[17] In the air, when the hydroxyl radical concentration is 5.00×105 pcs/cm3, the degradation half-life is 2.3d (theoretical).

Molecular structure data

1. Molar refractive index: 17.69

2. Molar volume (cm3/mol): 84.4

3. Isotonic specific volume (90.2K ):171.1

4. Surface tension (dyne/cm): 16.9

5. Polarizability (10-24cm3):7.01

Compute chemical data

1. Reference value for hydrophobic parameter calculation (XlogP): 0.4

2. Number of hydrogen bond donors: 0

3. Number of hydrogen bond acceptors: 1

4. Number of rotatable chemical bonds: 1

5. Number of tautomers: none

6. Topological molecule polar surface area 9.2

7. Number of heavy atoms: 4

8. Surface charge: 0

9. Complexity: 7.2

10. Number of isotope atoms: 0

11. Determine the number of atomic stereocenters: 0

12. Uncertain number of atomic stereocenters: 0

13. Determine the number of chemical bond stereocenters: 0

14. Number of uncertain chemical bond stereocenters: 0

15. Number of covalent bond units: 1

Properties and stability

1. Stability[18] Stable

2. Incompatible substances [19] Strong oxidants, strong acids, halogens, sulfur, sulfides

3. Polymerization hazard[ 20] No aggregation

Storage method

Storage Precautions[21] Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse dedicated to flammable gases. Keep away from fire and heat sources. The storage temperature should not exceed 30℃. They should be stored separately from oxidants, acids, and halogens. Do not store them together and should not be stored for a long time. Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. It is prohibited to use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency response equipment.

Synthesis method


Used in medicine (narcotics). [22]

BDMAEE:Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether

CAS NO:3033-62-3

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