4-isopropyl antipyrine

4-isopropyl antipyrine structural formula

4-isopropyl antipyrine structural formula

Structural formula

Business number 051R
Molecular formula C14H18N2O
Molecular weight 230.31


Isopropyl antipyrine,


Numbering system

CAS number:479-92-5

MDL number:None

EINECS number:None

RTECS number:None

BRN number:None

PubChem ID:None

Physical property data

1. Character:Undetermined

2. Density (g/ m3,25/4): Undetermined

3. Relative vapor density (g/cm3,AIR=1): Undetermined

4. Melting point (ºC):102-105

5. Boiling point (ºC,Normal pressure): Undetermined

6. Boiling point (ºC,5.2kPa): Undetermined

7. Refractive Index: Undetermined

8. Flash Point (ºC): Undetermined

9. Specific optical rotation (º): Undetermined

10. Autoignition point or ignition temperature (ºC): Undetermined

11. Vapor pressure (kPa,25ºC): Undetermined

12. Saturated vapor pressure (kPa,60ºC): Undetermined

13. Heat of combustion (KJ/mol): Undetermined

14. Critical temperature (ºC): Undetermined

15. Critical pressure (KPa): Undetermined

16. Oil and water (octanol/Logarithmic value of partition coefficient for water: undetermined

17. Explosion limit (%,V/V): Undetermined

18. Lower explosion limit (%,V/V): Undetermined

19. Solubility: Undetermined

Toxicological data

Acute toxicity: Orally administered to ratsLD50860mg/kg, no details except lethal dose;

Orally administered to miceLD50: 960mg/kg, no details except lethal dose;

Mouse transabdominal LD50: 295mg/kg, exceptNo detailed description other than the lethal dose;

Cats pass through the mouthLDLo: 150mg/kg, hyperexcitable convulsion or epilepsy;

Rabbit oralLDLo: 500mg/kg, hyperexcitable convulsion or epilepsy;

Guinea pig oralLD50: 1050mg/kg, no details except lethal dose.

Ecological data

This substance may be harmful to the environment, and special attention should be paid to water bodies.

Molecular structure data

1 Molar refractive index:68.41

2 Molar volumem3/mol)212.8

3 Isotonic specific volume (90.2K):530.5

4 Surface tensiondyne/cm)38.5

5 Polarizability(10-24cm327.12

Compute chemical data

1. Reference value for hydrophobic parameter calculation (XlogP): None

2. Number of hydrogen bond donors: 0

3. Number of hydrogen bond acceptors: 2

4. Number of rotatable chemical bonds: 2

5. Number of tautomers: none

6. Topological molecule polar surface area 23.6

7. Number of heavy atoms: 17

8. Surface charge: 0

9. Complexity: 340

10. Number of isotope atoms: 0

11. Determine the number of atomic stereocenters: 0

12. Uncertain number of atomic stereocenters: 0

13. Determine the number of chemical bond stereocenters: 0

14. Number of uncertain chemical bond stereocenters: 0

15. Number of covalent bond units: 1

Properties and stability

Use and store according to specifications, no decomposition will occur, and avoid contact with oxides

Storage method

Save in a sealed manner and place it in a ventilated and dry place to avoid contact with other oxides.

Synthesis method




BDMAEE:Bis (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) Ether

CAS NO:3033-62-3

China supplier

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